Sharing my passion for handcrafted jewelry, paper making, and living a creative life.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

I saved my paint brush!

The other day I discovered that I had left my favourite #8 bright on the table in my studio covered in a big glob of  hardened burnt umber acrylic paint!  I should have taken a 'before' picture.

This brush belonged to my daughter-in-law's grandfather and she gave it to me so I was really sad when I thought I had ruined it.  I put it to soak in some rubbing alcohol over night to try to dissolve the acrylic paint and it worked!  It broke it down enough that with the help of some mild handmade soap and a nailbrush, I was able to remove all but a slight stain left from the paint.


  1. oh, so glad you were able to save it, and thanks for the good tip! I've had to throw out a few in the past, glad to know about this now! :)


  2. Thanks for the wonderful tip. I'm so glad you were able to save the brush; it's an heirloom actually.

  3. An heirloom paintbrush! Wow, I'm so glad you were able to save it.

  4. Great tip! I never would have thought to use rubbing alchohol :)

  5. Wew! That’s definitely a remarkable paint brush and I’m glad you saved it just in time! In my case, I use vinegar to clean my paint brushes. Vinegar has an element that can soften the dried hard bristles, and can loosen up dried paint as well.

    - Alphonse Daigle


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