Sharing my passion for handcrafted jewelry, paper making, and living a creative life.

Monday, January 8, 2018

Happy New Year (finally)!

Hi everyone! Over a week into the new year but here I am finally. I've been giving this poor little blog disjointed starts for awhile now. This year I plan to change that. I even printed out some cool free Blog Post Planner sheets from a company called Productive Flourishing to keep me on track. They have lots of great planning tools on their website.

I haven't been very good about photographing my jewelry since I haven't been selling online but here are some pieces I did manage to get pictures of before the Christmas craft fairs this year. The leaves are made from old copper roof flashing that a friend found behind his shed. I annealed the copper and fold formed the leaves before using a blow torch to add several layers of enamel. The bails are made from obsolete Canadian copper pennies and I used recycled electrical wire for the jump rings and clasps.

I'm kind of excited to try some new strategies for growing my jewelry business and I'm starting by participating in a Jewelry Brand Makeover Boot camp. I've been a fan of Flourish and Thrive Academy for over a year now. I first discovered Tracy Matthews' podcasts while searching for something motivational to listen to while working in my studio. Flourish and Thrive Academy has a philosophy of Community over Competition and Tracy and her partner, Robin, share an incredible amount of free resources for jewelry designers at all levels. They also offer popular in depth courses for a fee. If you are a jewelry designer, you might want to check them out.

I'll see you again soon!